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VBS Basteln und Hobby

CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION - VBS Christmas Craft Competition 2023

The handicraft competition called by VBS will be organized in the period from October 27, 2023 to December 08, 2023 on the campaign website in Austria https://www.vbs-hobby.at/en/vbs-christmas-craft-contest-2023 or in the Netherlands on the campaign webside https://www.vbs-hobby.nl/en/vbs-christmas-craft-contest-2023/ by VBS Hobby Service GmbH, represented by the managing director Philipp Lübeck, Justus von Liebig Str. 8, 27283 Verden.
Participation in this contest as well as its execution are exclusively governed by the following terms and conditions.
Participation is free of charge and independent of the purchase of products or services from VBS Hobby Service GmbH. By participating in the competition, the participant accepts the following conditions as well as the data protection declaration.

§ 1 Participation

(1.) All natural persons over the age of 18 with residence and address in the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as in the Netherlands, Belgium and France are eligible to participate. Only private individuals are eligible to participate. Business customers of VBS Hobby Service GmbH who register or log in as such are not eligible to participate. Employees of VBS Hobby Service GmbH, employees of affiliated companies, their relatives and all persons involved in the development of the competition and its implementation are excluded from participation. Participation via participation or lottery registration services is also excluded.

(2.) To participate, registration on the campaign website https://www.vbs-hobby.nl/en/vbs-christmas-craft-contest-2023 or https://www.vbs-hobby.at/en/vbs-christmas-craft-contest-2023 is required. All participants, whether they are customers of VBS Hobby Service GmbH or not, register via the registration form and fill in the mandatory fields shown here completely and truthfully.

Uploading an original photo of the homemade fall creation is also required to enter the contest. Multiple participation as well as participation of a natural person under different e-mail addresses and / or names is not permitted (this concerns multiple participation under different e-mail addresses with the same computer IP). Multiple participation of a natural person under the same e-mail address is valid, but the prize will be distributed only once to a natural person.
In case of violation of these conditions of participation, an inadmissible influence on the competition or other manipulation, VBS Hobby Service GmbH reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition (see § 7).

(3.) To participate in the crafting contest, the participant must provide his or her complete e-mail address, title, first and last name, and complete address. In the case of specific prizes, it is necessary to provide the e-mail address and the complete address so that the participant can be notified by VBS Hobby Service GmbH of any prize or the prize shipment can be carried out. Incorrectly or incompletely completed entry forms may be excluded from the prize draw in advance by VBS.

(4.) The campaign website is accessible until 08.12.2023. After that, there will no longer be any access to the registration for the handicraft competition.

§ 2 Contest description

(1.) The handicraft competition takes place online on the campaign website. This campaign website offers, as described, the possibility to transmit a picture, a caption as well as a short instruction for the self-made autumn creation to VBS Hobby Service GmbH.

(2.) To participate in the raffle of the vouchers, the raffle form must be filled out completely and the original photo of a self-made autumn creation must be uploaded. Self-made winter or Christmas creations are understood to mean self-made winter decorations and Advent calendars as well as Advent wreaths and arrangements.

(3.) Furthermore, the acceptance of the privacy policy and the conditions of participation are assumed.

(4.) All participant photos admitted to the competition as well as the pseudonym name of the participant will be displayed in a picture gallery. VBS Hobby Service GmbH will automatically place the pictures in the picture gallery after checking (approx. 1 - 2 working days).

(5.) On advertising posters, in brochures in the online store vbs-hobby.com or other websites of VBS Hobby Service GmbH as well as in catalogs of VBS Hobby Service GmbH, references, results and further information about the VBS handicraft competition may be placed.

§ 3 Winnings and their redemption

(1.) After submitting the form on the campaign website, there is the possibility of winning a prize at the end of the campaign period. This is one of three shopping vouchers for the VBS online store worth € 100 or CHF 100 each. The three determined winners can each win one of the shopping vouchers.

To determine the winners, a jury appointed by VBS Hobby Service GmbH and consisting of the employees of VBS Hobby Service GmbH will evaluate the submitted pictures and determine three winners.

(2.) Participants will be informed no later than three weeks after the end of the competition if they have won.

(3.) If the prize is linked to a condition (e.g. a purchase with a goods value of a certain amount), this condition must first be fulfilled.

(4.) The prize will be sent to the winner at the address provided. VBS will inform the winner in advance by e-mail.

(5.) A cash payment of the prize or any prize substitute or the exchange of the prizes is not possible.

(6.) The claim to the prize or prize substitute cannot be assigned.

§ 4 Liability

Claims for damages against VBS Hobby Service GmbH, which are in connection with the competition and the handed over winnings, are - as far as legally permissible - excluded regardless of the legal reason, unless VBS Hobby Service GmbH has acted intentionally or grossly negligent. The legal liability according to the product liability law as well as in case of injury to life, body and health remains unaffected.

VBS Hobby Service GmbH is not liable for damages caused by incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way during participation in the competition. Furthermore, VBS Hobby Service GmbH is not liable for damages resulting from the impairment of the availability of the websites (vbs-hobby.com, vbs-hobby.nl, vbs-hobby.be, vbs-hobby.fr, vbs-hobby.ch, vbs-hobby.at, vbs-versand.de, and the campaign website) in case of technical malfunctions and events of force majeure that cannot be influenced as well as malfunctions caused by third parties.

VBS Hobby Service GmbH is not liable for material and/or legal defects of the prizes sponsored by cooperation partners of VBS Hobby Service GmbH.

§ 5 Data protection provisions

The personal data of the raffle participant as well as his/her IP address with the associated data will be electronically collected, processed (stored) and used for the purpose of processing the raffle campaign.

Consent to the collection, processing and use of personal data: The participant agrees that his/her personal data may be collected, processed (stored) and used by VBS Hobby Service GmbH for the purpose of establishing, implementing and processing the sweepstake campaign. The participant agrees that his personal data (title, first name, last name, address, e-mail address, date of birth and IP address) with the associated data and his telephone number, if this is given voluntarily, may be collected, processed (stored) and used. Furthermore, the participant agrees that VBS Hobby Service GmbH may pass on and use this data to all companies entrusted with the implementation and handling of the competition. The participant can revoke this declaration of consent to VBS Hobby Service GmbH at any time and object to the further use of his/her data at any time. The revocation is to be sent to: vbs@vbs-versand.de. Immediately after receipt of the revocation or objection, the participant's personal data will no longer be processed or used and will be destroyed.

If the revocation/objection is made before the prize is processed, the handover of the prize can no longer be guaranteed. After receipt of the revocation, further participation in the competition is excluded.

In accordance with the statutory provisions, the participant can obtain information about his/her stored personal data from VBS Hobby Service GmbH at any time. In addition, the current data protection guidelines of VBS Hobby Service GmbH apply. These can be viewed on the website www.vbs-hobby.com under the link Data Protection. The responsible party in terms of the Federal Data Protection Act is VBS Hobby Service GmbH, Justus von Liebig Str. 8, 27283 Verden.

§ 6 Premature termination of the contest

VBS Hobby Service GmbH reserves the right to suspend or terminate the competition completely or temporarily at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons, if a proper execution of the game cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulations or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons. No claims can be derived from a premature termination.

§ 7 Exclusion of participants
VBS Hobby Service GmbH reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition who provide false information during registration, violate the conditions of participation and/or carry out manipulations and/or have manipulations carried out or want to obtain an advantage in an unauthorized manner. If in such a case a prize has already been handed over, this may be reclaimed if necessary.

§ 8 Miscellaneous

(1.) Legal recourse is excluded.

(2.) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively.

(3.) Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.
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