Here's how it's done
For the lamp 3 Macramé-sets "Pastel" are required.
First the inner lamp is manufactured. For this 12 yarn strands of 2 m each are needed. These are cut in half and knotted to a metal ring with Ø 15 cm.
4 threads each are tied into a loop knot until the first Macramé-row is created. Now, in a new row, new loop knots are tied with two threads of each knot. Make further rows according to this pattern until a length of about 12 cm is tied.
Fix the lamp socket with transparent Perlon thread in the middle of the inner metal ring. Knot 4 more Macramé-strands to the metal ring at equal intervals. Draw up wooden beads and knot these strands to another metal ring with approx. Ø 20 cm.
Extra tip
Hang the "temporary" lamp as straight and freely suspended as possible on a hook. For example, clamp a round bar firmly between two chairs. In this way, you will be able to connect both lamp rings particularly evenly.
For the outer ring, 10 strands Macramé Yarn are now cut into different lengths and attached to the outer lamp ring. According to personal taste, thread wooden beads and fix them to the strands with a simple knot. The different threads can be made in different lengths.